Discover The Power Of Natural Horse Dewormer – Say Goodbye To Chemicals!

Natural Horse Dewormer: A Safer and Healthier Option for Your Equine Companion

Greetings, Rider! As a horse owner, it is important to ensure the health and well-being of your equine companion. One of the key aspects of this is deworming, which is crucial in preventing parasitic infections. However, the use of chemical-based dewormers comes with potential risks and side effects, which is why many horse owners are turning to natural deworming options.

In this article, we will explore the world of natural horse dewormers – what they are, how they work, their advantages and disadvantages, and more. So, sit tight and let’s dive into the world of natural deworming!

Overview: What is Natural Horse Dewormer?

Natural horse dewormer refers to a range of herbal and holistic remedies that can be used to rid horses of internal parasites. These remedies are typically made from natural ingredients and are free from the chemicals and synthetic substances found in commercial dewormers.

natural horse dewormer - Herbal Wormer for Horses
Herbal Wormer for Horses

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One of the most common natural dewormer ingredients is diatomaceous earth, a fine powder made from the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms. Other popular ingredients include wormwood, garlic, and fennel.

While natural horse dewormers may not be as potent as their chemical counterparts, they offer a safer and healthier option for horses, as well as being more environmentally friendly.

What are the benefits of natural horse dewormer?

There are several benefits of using natural horse dewormers, including:

natural horse dewormer - Wormfree Naturally Natural Horse DeWormer
Wormfree Naturally Natural Horse DeWormer

Image Source:

Reduced risk of chemical toxicity and side effects
Lower cost compared to commercial dewormers
Less environmental impact
Possible support for overall equine health and immune system
Can be used as a preventative measure, not just a treatment

Who can benefit from natural horse dewormer?

Natural horse dewormers can be used for all types of horses, from foals to seniors, and even pregnant mares. However, it is important to consult with a veterinarian before starting any new deworming regimen, especially if your horse has a history of parasitic infections.

When should you use natural horse dewormer?

Natural horse dewormers can be used as a regular part of your horse’s deworming schedule, or as a treatment for specific parasitic infections. The frequency of use will depend on your horse’s individual needs and the type of natural dewormer you are using.

Where can you find natural horse dewormer?

Natural horse dewormers can be found at most equine supply stores, as well as online retailers. It is important to choose a reputable brand and read reviews from other horse owners before making a purchase.

Why choose natural horse dewormer?

Choosing natural horse dewormer offers several advantages over chemical-based dewormers, including reduced risk of side effects and toxicity, lower cost, and a more environmentally friendly option. Additionally, natural dewormers may offer overall health benefits for your horse.

How does natural horse dewormer work?

Natural horse dewormers work by targeting and eliminating internal parasites in the horse’s digestive tract. Different ingredients have different mechanisms of action, such as diatomaceous earth, which works by dehydrating and killing worms.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Natural Horse Dewormer


1. Safer for horses: Natural horse dewormers offer a safer option for horses, as they are free from harsh chemicals and synthetic substances that can have potential side effects.

2. Lower cost: Natural horse dewormers are generally more cost-effective than commercial dewormers, which can be pricey and require frequent use.

3. Environmentally friendly: Chemical-based dewormers can have a negative impact on the environment and may contribute to resistance in parasites. Natural horse dewormers offer a more eco-friendly option for horse owners.

4. Overall health benefits: Some natural dewormer ingredients may offer additional health benefits for horses, such as supporting immune function and digestive health.

5. Can be used as a preventative measure: Natural horse dewormers can be used as a preventative measure, not just a treatment for existing infections, which can help reduce the risk of future parasitic infestations.


1. Less potent: Natural horse dewormers may not be as potent as chemical-based dewormers, which can make them less effective in treating severe infections.

2. Limited research: There is limited scientific research on the effectiveness of natural horse dewormers, which can make it difficult to determine their efficacy.

3. Not a one-size-fits-all solution: Natural horse dewormers may not be suitable for all horses and may require individualized dosing and treatment regimens.

4. Potential interaction with other medications: Natural dewormer ingredients may interact with other medications or supplements that your horse is taking, so it is important to consult with a veterinarian before using natural dewormers.

5. Lengthy treatment periods: Natural horse dewormers may require longer treatment periods compared to chemical-based dewormers, which can make them less convenient for some horse owners.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are natural horse dewormers safe for pregnant mares?

Yes, many natural horse dewormers are safe for use in pregnant mares. However, it is important to consult with a veterinarian before using any new dewormer product.

2. Can natural horse dewormers be used on foals?

Yes, many natural horse dewormers are safe for use on foals, but dosing may need to be adjusted based on their weight and age. It is important to consult with a veterinarian before using any new dewormer product on foals.

3. How often should I use natural horse dewormer?

The frequency of deworming with natural horse dewormer will depend on your horse’s individual needs and the type of natural dewormer you are using. It is important to consult with a veterinarian to determine the ideal deworming schedule for your horse.

4. Can I use natural horse dewormer in combination with chemical dewormers?

It is generally not recommended to use natural horse dewormer in combination with chemical dewormers, as this can increase the risk of toxicity. However, it is important to consult with a veterinarian before making any changes to your horse’s deworming regimen.

5. Are there any potential side effects of using natural horse dewormer?

Potential side effects of using natural horse dewormer may include gastrointestinal upset, allergic reactions, and changes in appetite. It is important to monitor your horse for any signs of adverse reactions and consult with a veterinarian if necessary.


Natural horse dewormer offers a safer and healthier option for horse owners who are looking to avoid the potential risks and side effects associated with chemical-based dewormers. While natural dewormers may not be as potent as their chemical counterparts, they offer a range of benefits, including a lower cost, less environmental impact, and potential overall health benefits for your horse.

If you are interested in using natural horse dewormer, it is important to consult with a veterinarian to determine the ideal deworming schedule and product for your horse. Additionally, it is important to choose a reputable brand and monitor your horse for any signs of adverse reactions.

Final Remarks

While natural horse dewormer can be a great option for horse owners, it is important to remember that it is not a substitute for regular veterinary care and management practices. Deworming is just one aspect of equine health, and it is important to take a holistic approach to your horse’s care.

Additionally, it is important to remember that the information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional veterinary advice. Always consult with a veterinarian before starting any new deworming regimen or using any new products on your horse.

Product Name
Active Ingredients
Recommended Dosage

Natural Horse Wormer by Earth Animal
Wormwood, black walnut, clove, garlic, fennel seed, and papaya leaf
1 scoop (1 oz) per 1000 lbs of body weight, given daily for 30 days
$45 for 1.5 lb bag

Natural Wormer by Silver Lining Herbs
Garlic, pumpkin seed, wormwood, fennel seed, and diatomaceous earth
1 tbsp per day for 30 days
$39.99 for 1 lb bag

Equine Parasite Control by Hilton Herbs
Wormwood, clove, thyme, garlic, and cayenne pepper
1 scoop (20 g) per day for 14 days
$30.50 for 1 lb bag
